#robin x vickie
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delicatetigerobject · 2 days ago
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I made another uquiz instead of writing my essay <3 feel free to reblog with your results !!
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kidovna · 9 months ago
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happy pride again to these dumdums!
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bylerworld · 3 months ago
if i had a nickel for every time mike wheeler and the only canon bisexual character in the show paralleled each other, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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and the way they both say "sorry" after rambling and neither robin nor will really mind being there to listen like. come on 😭
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daydreamsandcloudnines · 5 months ago
Hawkins might survive Vecna and the mind flayer but I don't think it will survive two pretty gay couples casually walking down its streets (Rovickie and Byler)
I mean if I live in hawkins and walk past them, I'd just give up in life and dedicate mine into serving the pretty gays
Like I could be down for hours but just imagining the possibilty of them being endgame just brings light back in my life
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getlost0p · 4 months ago
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Rovickie my beloved 😖🫶
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jackietaylorapologist · 5 months ago
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vickie and robin when they saw mike and will:
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little-annie · 8 months ago
Bet you didn't know how Eddie found out Steve was Bi.
It was at a club in Indianapolis of all places. He and Steve, along with Robin and Vicki, had made their way to the city for a weekend of fun.
And some recognizance apparently.
Steve was convinced Vicki was into boobies, and at some point had made it his mission to prove such information to Robin. His location of choice? One of the biggest gay clubs in Indiana.
How Steve knew of the place made no sense to Eddie. Well at least not right away. Now though, now he knew Steve was…
Steve was:
A little fruity.
A friend of Dorothy.
A real cocksucker.
Steve Harrington was all of the above apparently.
To Eddie's utter bafflement.
And outstanding joy.
But sitting at the bar with the man in question by his side, Eddie hadn't known that yet. He was helplessly pining over a friend he thought he'd never have the faintest of a chance with. Watching from the side lines, imagining himself as the hot brunette in Steve's strong arms when the man would occasionally make his way to the dance floor.
They were having a good time. They were drinking, the girls were dancing like a couple of dorks out beneath the shining lights. Everything was going great.
But Eddie could still see from even across the dance floor the longing look in Robin's eyes as she watched Vicki do the sprinkler of all dance moves.
They really were perfect for each other.
“How's mission besties to boobies going? You think you'll have Robbie sucking on a tit by the end of the night?”
Sitting on the bar stool next to him, Steve snorts into his drink, choking on a laugh as he turns to admonish Eddie, “Jesus man.” He coughs around the fruity drink clogging his throat. “Robin would punch you in the jugular if she heard you say that.”
Eddie smiles to himself, just happy that he made Steve laugh. “Well good thing she's out there with Vicki then. Really though, any closer to helping them figure their shit out?”
Just as Steve's about to answer, both of their eyes watching the girls, they watch as some tall blonde jock approaches Vicki.
In the same instant they catch Robin's expression crumble.
“Mother fucker.” Steve huffs before he turns back to the bar and orders Robin's favourite drink. A Blue Hawaiin topped with more fruit than Eddie's eaten in the last year. Bright and flashy, decorated with a tiny purple umbrella.
Robin joins them not a minute later, sweat damp hair sticking to her forehead as she sighs sadly and falls face first with a groan into Steve's chest.
Eddie would be jealous if he didn't feel so bad for Robin.
The poor girl is nearly at her wits end.
For months her and Vicki have been going through a will they won't they type of thing.
Christ, they even kissed at one of Steve's little parties. Under the guise of spin the bottle, but it still happened and lasted way too long for Vicki to not have enjoyed it.
But then the next day, Eddie remembers Vicki talking about Dan. Her on - off boyfriend who apparently, judging by Steve's seething and Robin's near blubbering is the guy with his arms around a very annoyed looking Vicki's shoulders.
Robin's pulled herself from between Steve's beautiful beasts and is now leaning against the man, standing between his legs as he hugs her and she solemnly nibbles at her skewered fruit with her chin hooked over Steve's shoulder.
He's saying something to her that Eddie doesn't catch, but he notices how it makes Robin smile.
Albeit a little sadly.
Turning his attention away, Eddie takes a sip of his drink, stares daggers into Dan's soul on Robin's behalf and lets the Wonder Twins have their moment.
Amidst wishing Dan to drop dead, through the blaring music Eddie eventually hears Steve's determined tone.
“I'll do it, Rob.”
Curious, Eddie tunes in.
“You're not doing anything.”
“Mmmmh nope. I'm gonna do it.” Eddie nearly hears Steve's nod of resolution as he keeps his eyes on the gyrating crowd before them. He sounds determined. Surly staring his own form of ill will into Dan's soul, Steve continues, “He keeps dragging her on, which means she's dragging you on. And I can't let that happen.”
Robin sighs, “Steve.”
Eddie can damn well hear them staring one another down.
It's rather loud.
As is the blatant telepathic convention they're having now.
After a moment of lord only knows what they've communicated to each other through a series of complicated facial expressions, Robin sighs again, apparently having accepted defeat, “You're a bitch.”
“You love me.”
“I hope you get Crabs.”
Eddie snorts to himself as he finally turns to take in the two next to him. Robin's now occupying Steve's previous bar stool and Mr. Great Tits and Tight Levi's himself is standing with the bitchiest expression known to man, staring Robin down, who sips her drink and appears unfazed.
And then Steve smirks.
“I literally watched you shave your chin hair with the razor I use on my balls. If I get Crabs you're coming down with me.”
Robin hardly looks bothered as she bites a hunk of pineapple from her skewer, seeming in a much better mood than when she'd arrived.
“You whore. Course you shave your balls.” She mumbles around the fruit in her mouth.
“Not everyone likes to have a jungle bush, Robin.”
Their continued nattering is lost to Eddie as he remains hung up on the idea of Steve's balls. Are they clean shaved, trimmed, artfully maintained?
He's pathetic. Eddie's well aware. Daydreaming of Steve's Adonis like body isn't new in the slightest.
He apparently wonders for so long that when he tunes back to reality, Steve and his decidedly trimmed balls are gone.
He looks to Robin who downing the remainder of her drink.
She shrugs, as if that explains anything.
Then he sees Steve at the other end of the bar talking to Vicki's maybe boyfriend.
It looks heated.
God, is Steve going to fight this guy? Fuck. Eddie's scrappy but he's never had a great track record with Jocks and he knows Steve and all of his monster fighting abilities means nothing when it comes to fighting people. He remembers the guy getting his ass handed to him by Byers. And Hargrove. Like he gets Billy, the guy was fucking insane. But Johnathan? Steve doesn't stand a chance against this guy. He's got at least twenty pounds on Steve.
Steve's going to get his ass kicked and Eddie's not going to be any help. Sure he'll try, throw a punch, maybe play dirty and move his rings over to his other hand so it hurts more, but otherwise he's got nothing.
All bark, no bite.
Fuck, what if the guy has friends here?
Eddie looks back to Robin who's now leaning back against the bar, watching as Vicki dances in the distance, giggling to herself as she waves at Robin then proceeds to do that shopping cart.
The sweet, ginger haired little dork.
Again, their perfect for each other.
“Steve's not really going to fight that guy is he?”
Robin snorts.
“Yeah, with his dick maybe.”
Robin waves him off with a limp wrist and plunks her empty glass onto the bar top behind her with a dull thud.
And then she's off.
Leaving Eddie with that tidbit of information.
She was joking, right? Right?
She had to be joking.
His voice is either lost to the music or she's ignoring him.
Probably the latter.
By the time Eddie turns his attention back to the end of the bar, he catches Steve giving Dan a playful tug to the belt loops and an expression Eddie can only describe as a smoulder.
Then Steve's pulling this guy by the hand to the men's bathroom.
What the fuck did he miss?
Jesus H Christ.
Twenty minutes and one tequila shot later, Eddie watches as Dan goes scurrying by from the bathroom to the exit, still tucking his fucking polo into his pants.
Lucky bastard.
A moment later, Steve returns.
Hair messy, pupils blown, shirt untucked and …
It's that?
There's a small dot of milky white on Steve's chin.
Fucking hell.
Steve plops down in his chair, steals Eddie's beer and downs the remaining half, finishing it with a content sigh.
For the longest time Eddie's speechless.
Staring at Steve and the fucking splatter of come left on his chin.
What the actual fuck?
Steve must've noticed.
Christ and it's not like Eddie can let the guy go walking around with that.
“You've got, uh, something on your chin…”
And like he knew it was there, knew exactly where it was, Steve wipes the evidence of his earlier rendezvous away.
Eddie can't help but continue to stare.
And like an idiot he decides to open his mouth. “Did you just…?”
And like it's nothing, Steve answers.
“Suck off Vicki's ex then threaten him with bodily harm if he ever bothers her or Robin again? Yeah. And?”
Since when did Steve suck dick?!
Eddie's careening towards a level two gay fucking melt down when Steve decides to continue, sounding every bit offended and confused. “Is that gonna be a problem?”
“No!” Eddie answers immediately, hands up in defence. Steve's expression softens just a touch. “No. No, fuck, Steve. No, not at all. It's just-” well he didn't know and he and Steve are good enough friends Eddie figured something that important to Steve's person, he'd know. “I just didn't know.”
Steve's nose scrunches in that cute way that always makes Eddie feel like dropping dead, and then almost sounding like he's surprised, Steve laughs, “You- hah- Eddie! You didn't know!?”
“No wonder,” Steve more so says to himself before ordering both him and Eddie another drink.
He doesn't continue until he's had a sip of whatever fruity monstrosity he's drinking now. “I've been flirting with you for months, Ed.”
“Yeah well I thought you were straight.” Eddie grumbles, feeling like a fucking idiot. Had Steve really been flirting with him? Had all of the lingering touches and seemingly longing stares all been intentional.
Jesus. Fucking. Fuck.
Steve had asked him if he wanted to fool around a couple weeks ago and Eddie thought he was joking.
“What?” Steve says, halfass sounding offended, “Like it would have made a difference. Dude you've made it obvious you're not interested.”
“I- what?”
Steve shrugs, “Yeah. No hard feelings man. I get it. I'm not your type.”
“Not- not my type!? Steve! My beautiful beautiful boy, I am so interested. I'm painfully interested. I'm so interested I jack off to the idea every night, interested.”
He's just going to ignore the fact he said that aloud.
It's worth it for the blush that rises to Steve's cheeks anyways. “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“So you wanna?”
“Absolutely annihilate each other in the men's bathroom?” Eddie asks confidently, truly hyping himself up so he doesn't freak out, downing his drink and standing to offer Steve his hand, “ Yes please.”
But not taking his hand and running to the bathroom to hopefully suck each other off, Steve stays sitting, staring at Eddie's offered hand. And just when Eddie starts to think he's fucked this all up before it's even started, Steve stutters his response
“ I- well- I was thinking more like a- a movie and milkshakes, or something?”
Oh this isn't just sex to Steve.
Thank God.
Eddie wasn't entirely sure how his heart would have handled the alternative.
Did Steve Harrington just ask him on a date?
“Yeah.” Eddie answers, a little breathless, a little bashful.
“We can do your thing to if this is just-”
“No. No, Steve. It's really not. I feel like a fucking schoolgirl, man. All giddy and shit. I just never thought-”
“You're kinda hard not to want Eddie.” Steve interrupts him.
And isn't that a fucking line.
“Both?” Eddie asks, only for Steve to raise a brow
“What about both?”
“Oh!” Steve shouts, catching the attention of a few people, one of which being Robin who was wandering hand in hand with Vicki to the bar, “Yeah. Fuck yeah.” He downs his drink just as Eddie had and finally takes Eddie's offered hand.
On their near sprint to the men's bathroom, Eddie's sure, through the buzz of his own brain and the blare of music he hears Robin's raspy voice shout, “Enjoy my besties bald balls, Munson!”
Give my tittle ideas babes. I wanna post this insanity on Ao3.
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thai-09 · 11 months ago
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They 🫴🏻
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frozenfrogz · 1 month ago
Needs for season 5:
- Will Byers with a gun
- Mike Wheeler with a sword
- Will gets some sort of power idk
- l*nnie dies
- Byler angst and emotional scenes that make me scream and cry
- Byler fluff and raw scenes that make me scream and cry
- Byler hug
- Byler kiss
- Will Byers with a gun
- Robin and Vickie kiss
- Byler gets Murry’d (or holly’d)
- Will and Robin = best friends
- Will Byers with a gun
- Will Byers with a gun
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months ago
Robin had just gotten out of Steve’s car and was walking towards the doors of Family Video when she heard it. A whimper like the sound of a baby crying.
"Did you hear that?" Robin asked.
"Is this another deaf joke?" Steve asked. "I told you they're only acceptable if they're funny. . .am I going to laugh at this one?"
"No, dingus, I think I heard a baby crying! Turn that thing up!" Robin exclaimed.
"I can't turn it up any louder than this, Robin, I'm not a radio or a drug sniffing - hold on, I think I hear something," Steve said.
They moved to the side of Family Video that wasn't attached to the side of another building. They followed the noise to the dumpster that clung to the wall. Tucked underneath was a crying black haired puppy next to their dead mother and sibling.
"Oh, no, Steve!" Robin exclaimed. "Hey, sweetheart, we're not going to hurt you. Steve, give me your jacket."
"Why does it have to be my jacket?" Steve asked.
"Because I'm rather attached to mine," Robin said.
Steve rolled his eyes but took off his jacket and picked up the puppy, wrapping it up. Robin took the bundle from his arms and walked towards the car.
"Where are you going?" Steve asked.
"We need to take - uh, her to the vet, Steve," Robin said.
"Okay, but Keith said that if we abandon the store again we're fired," Steve said.
"Fuck Keith," Robin scowled.
"Yeah, which I'm probably going to have to do if I want to keep our jobs," Steve said.
"We all have to make our sacrifices," Robin said. "Come on, take one for the team."
"It's Keith, Robin!" Steve scowled, and then his face softened. "Now, if it was Eddie on the other hand. . ."
"I don't want to hear about your fantasies of working underneath him," Robin said. "Which you should tell him, by the way."
"I'll tell Eddie when you tell Vickie," Steve said.
"I've told her already," Robin said.
"Really?" Steve asked, crossing his arms.
Robin stared at him, and he stared back. Robin cursed.
"Damn you, Harrington," Robin said.
The dog in her arms started crying louder and moving around, her cries growing more desperate.
"Yeah, okay, let's get her to the vet," Steve said.
Once they got her to the vet, the doctor gave her a proper check-up and deemed her healthy except for the fact that she was hungry. It was hard to tell what kind of breed she was. The vet guessed something of a yorkie poodle mix, and then he asked if they were keeping her. Robin stared at the small black haired beauty in her arms, and her heart melted as the puppy laid her head right up against her chest while Steve scratched behind her ears.
"Yeah, we're keeping her," Robin said, looking at Steve. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Steve grinned.
Later that evening, Steve and Robin stumbled into the door of their shared apartment. Robin held the dog while Steve carried loads of things that she needed. Well, it was really Steve’s apartment. He got it over the summer when he was kicked out by his parents, but Robin basically lived there, too.
"Okay, you know this means we're going to have to switch to different shifts so someone stays here," Robin said.
"Yeah, I figured that out," Steve said.
"I just want to make sure you were okay with it," Robin said as she cooed at the puppy.
"I think we can handle being away from each for a while," Steve said.
"I'm not sure if I can, though!" Robin exclaimed. "Can't we just bring our child to work?"
"Yeah, Keith let us off the hook today, but I doubt he'll let us bring the dog in the store," he said.
Robin got on the floor with a toy, showing the puppy how to play with it.
"Our other kids come into the store, and Keith doesn't say shit!" Robin exclaimed.
"Because our other kids aren't at risk at peeing on the floor," Steve said.
"How sure are you about that, Steve?" Robin asked.
"Very sure! Their actual parents had them potty trained a long time ago," Steve scoffed.
Steve got on the floor with Robin, flattening all the way out onto his stomach like she did. Steve smiled and shook the toy at the dog, laughing when she attacked it, her little tail wagging.
"You know with her big brown eyes and her dark hair, she kind of looks like. . .," Robin trailed off. "Eddie?"
"That's what I was thinking!" Steve grinned.
"Of course you were," Robin cooed at Steve and then turned to the dog. "Eddie?"
The dog looked at Robin curiously, then bounced over to her and attacked her nose with kisses.
"I think we found her name," Steve said.
"Oh, he's going to love that," Robin said.
A few weeks passed with Robin and Steve working to maintain their new schedules. It was going pretty great. Little Edith was pretty smart and picked up on so much, so it was a breeze teaching her things. Of course, it still left them too busy to do other things. Robin had just left to nap in her new doggy bed in Robin's room when the front door opened.
"Are you sure about this?" Vickie asked.
"They gave us a key for a reason," Eddie said. "There is something going on, and we're going to get to the bottom of this."
"You don't think they're actually fighting, do you?" Vickie asked.
"Why else would they switch shifts?" Eddie asked.
"But it's Steve and Robin!" Vickie exclaimed.
"Can I help you, burglars?" Robin asked, startling them.
"What - what are you doing here?" Eddie asked.
"I live here - officially now," Robin said.
"I thought - you and Steve were having problems because you switched shifts, but you're living here?" Eddie asked.
"I guess you two should be the first to know - Steve and I are with child!" Robin exclaimed.
"What?!" Eddie and Vickie exclaimed.
"I thought you said you weren't interested in that," Vickie said. "With him."
"Oh, at first, yeah, but it turns out that it's a wonderful experience," Robin said with a happy sigh. "We're completely in love."
"Oh," Eddie and Vickie said softly, the sound disappointment clear in their voices.
"Why the long faces?" Robin asked. "This is good news!"
"Yeah, real happy for you," Eddie said bitterly, his eyes blinking back unshed tears.
"Seriously?" Robin asked. "I thought you all of people would be happy about this! This is something you want, too."
"You don't need to keep rubbing salt in the wound, Robin," Vickie said, rubbing Eddie's shoulder. "You told us both that we had nothing to worry about, and then you go and tell us that you're in love with Steve and that you're having his baby!"
"What?! Where did you get that from?!" Robin asked.
"From you! You said that you're with child and that you're in love!" Eddie shrieked and sniffled.
"We got a dog! Steve and I PLATONICALLY got a dog together!" Robin yelled, her eyes wide. "Didn't I say that?"
"No!" Vickie and Eddie yelled.
"Oh, well, I meant to say that," Robin said awkwardly and Eddie burst into relieved sobs. "Sorry."
Eddie's sobs turned into laughter, and Vickie couldn't help but laugh, too. Suddenly, Edith came running into the room, barking.
"There she is!" Eddie exclaimed. "The star of this misunderstanding!"
"Her name is Edith," Robin said.
"Edith, huh?" Eddie's eyes twinkling with mirth.
"She's so tiny," Vickie cooed.
"Yeah, the doctor said she's probably not going to be very big, says he'll be surprised if she makes it to ten pounds," Robin said. "I think she's ready to play again."
A little while later, Steve came home to find Robin, Eddie, and Vickie playing in the living with Edith.
"Hey," Steve grinned.
Robin rushed over to him and leaned over to whisper to him.
"Okay, don't be mad, okay, but I kind of accidentally made them think for a moment that we fell in love and you got me pregnant," Robin said.
"Well, it's not the first time you made someone think that. It probably won't be the last," Steve said.
"Good news, though," Robin grinned. "They're definitely interested in us."
"This day is looking up," Steve smiled softly as he watched them.
"Also, apparently, they meet up a couple of times a week over tea and scones to talk about us," Robin said, and Steve hummed.
"Interesting. . ."
Robin leaned against Steve, the both of them watching Eddie and Vickie sprawl out on the floor much like they do with Edith. Robin bit her lip. Aside from becoming best friends, Robin knew that in this moment, this was the best thing that could have happened to them.
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hawkinsincorrect · 1 year ago
Vickie: Would you consider yourself independent?
Robin: *looks at Steve*
Steve: *nods*
Robin: I would say so, yes.
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will80sbyers · 1 year ago
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lavenderstobins · 2 months ago
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that rovickie angst scene but make it a century prior
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bylerworld · 10 months ago
not gonna lie but it annoys me a little bit when people tend to forget that robin does have a love interest and it is not nancy or chrissy, but in fact it is a girl who means so much to robin AND who cares for robin as well. vickie no last name i GOT your back girl!
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mashkdemss · 1 month ago
I've drawn Robin and Vickie valentines for you guys. Save and give to your girlies 😎♡
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getlost0p · 7 months ago
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Quick rovickie cus I love them
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